Brandon Joins St. Margarets Lacrosse Team !!

Check out the photo gallery of the B-man and his Lacrosse teammates under pictures/slide shows !! .....We hope to try and update the website "alittle" more stay tuned.

First Day of School !!!!

Was last week... late in posting the pics... check them out.

Home Sweet Home

We love San Juan Capistrano.... here are some pictures of our home. We are very blessed.

For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him.

Colossians 1:16

Balboa Island Cottage
Bill Faris
Capistrano Valley Christian
Chris Price Photography
Christian Union - Ivy League Focus
Christian Union Dartmouth
Circle of Concern
First Love Ministries
Focus On The Family
Gospel For Asia
Kauai North Shore Christian
Kiters 4 Christ
Living Waters
Love for Romania
Millennium Systems Inc.
Ocean Hills
Operation help a Hero !
Our Home Church - San Juan Capistrano Calvary
Qoheleth Ministries
Star Rock Ministries
The Barnabas Group
The Pocket Testament League